
Online consultations for the prevention and treatment of obesity

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Give Us a Call : + 40730023030

Prof. Dr. veronica Mocanu

The optimal obesity care

The Nutrigrup Obesity Virtual Clinic brings together a group of health professionals who work together to determine the best treatment plan for obesity and eating disorders.

About virtual clinic

We're a group of specialists in obesity therapy

The obesity care that goes beyond the next level

Obesity is a chronic disease that requires complex and integrated care to prevent associated complications.

  • Consultation packages for adult
  • Consultation packages for children
  • Group therapy
our services

The best multidisciplinary team in obesity care

Our Services

Multidisciplinary team with expertise in obesity, that includes a physician, a dietitian, and a psychologist.

Multidisciplinary team with expertise in childhood obesity, that includes a physician, a dietitian, and a psychologist.

Multidisciplinary team with expertise in eating disorders, that includes a physician, a dietitian, and a psychologist.

Our Specialists

Our outstanding team

why choose us

Our Services

We offer complex and integrated services for obesity care

Choose us
nutrition (2)

Initial Weight Loss Package

Online consultations with eating behavior specialists (5 consultations, 40 min/consultation)

850 lei

This package includes:


Weight Maintenance Package

Online consultations with eating behavior specialists (4 consultations, 40 min/consultation)

600 lei

This package includes:


Group Support Package for Weight Maintenance

Online consultations with eating behavior specialists (4 consultations, 40 min/consultation)

600 lei

Acest pachet include:

optimal care

Additional benefits From NutriGrup

Parteneriat clinico-comunitar cu Programul [Traista cu sănătate] Tradiții sănătoase pentru copii sănătoși. Acest program a fost lansat la Iasi (Romania) in anul 2012. Peste 50.000 de copii au beneficiat de activitatile programului.


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How to book an appointment?

1. Click on ”get a medical appointment”. 2. Select the service. 3. Select the specialist. 4. Select the date and time. 5. Create/choose your account 6.Pay for consultations.

What is NutriGrup multidiplinary care?

A multidisciplinary team experienced in obesity and eating disorders, that includes a physician, a dietitian, and a psychologist can provide the most effective interventions from each discipline.


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